World Work in Joel’s Words – November 2019

Joel taught that rising in consciousness to realized Christhood is not ultimately for our own benefit, but the means to uplift the consciousness of mankind universally and dispel the ignorance of truth that is at the root of all human trouble.  He spoke often about how we as individuals can be an influence in bringing that freedom to the world. 

On the first of each month, we post an excerpt from Joel’s writings on this topic.  The following excerpt is  based on Recording 127B, 1955 Kailua Study Group: “Individual Spiritual Experience, continued”

The degree of realized Christ in your consciousness is the degree of harmony that is brought into your body, into your business, into your home, and into your community circle—not that everyone is going to be receptive and responsive to that Christ, but our function is not to be concerned with who receives the benefit of the Christ.  Our concern is that we experience the Christ daily.  Loose It upon the earth and let It do Its work. It is wonderful if our friends and relatives can all accept it, but if they can’t, somewhere 1,000 miles away or 10,000 miles away, someone of whom you may never hear will be receiving the benefit of that Christ.

Some public meeting, some government official may be receiving the light from the Christ that you are experiencing in any given moment, so that never at any time in your life will you really know the extent of the good that is loosed on earth through your experience.  It is never given anyone to know that.  But peace on earth, improvement in labor and capital relationships, ultimately even the human relationships of family life and community life will be changed by virtue of those few individuals who are willing to be servants of the Most High.

When you can say, “I felt it;  I felt the click; I felt the Presence,” that is all you need because at that moment you have loosed the Christ on earth.  You have let It escape from having been locked up within you, and now It walks the earth, and It may well appear to some unfortunate on the street or in prison or in a hospital.

At this point of our unfoldment, it is necessary not only for our own good, but for the work that is given to us to do in the world, that we understand ourselves to be a “spiritual underground;” that we understand that it is our function every day to realize the presence, power, and activity of the Christ; realize the very feeling of the Presence; and then let It go and be about Its Father’s business, wherever that may be, in whatever way.

You can be assured of this: The Christ will “overturn and overturn and overturn until He come whose right it is.”[1]  Until justice appears on earth; until equity, fairness, integrity appear on earth; until spiritual demonstration appears on earth; the Christ will overturn and overturn and overturn, and we won’t always like that overturning because we will not always understand it. We will see forms of error that we will really believe to be error when, in fact, it is the Christ overturning.

[1] See Ezekiel 21:27

Previously Posted Excerpts