World Work in Joel’s Words – February 2019

The following excerpt is from Consciousness Transformed, in the lecture of August 5, “The Nature of Spiritual Prayer.”   

Always, always we are praying that spiritual identity be revealed. When you understand this, you will begin to perceive the nature of prayer that can and ultimately will bring about a whole new consciousness on earth. It will not bring about another temporary peace treaty; it will not bring about a new division of power that will someday get out of hand. Leave that kind of praying alone.

Let your prayers be, first of all, the realization that the carnal mind is not and never was power, because it is not ordained of God. Then pray for the realization that the “mind which was also in Christ Jesus,” the spiritual mind, the Buddha mind, be revealed as the mind of man. “Let thy kingdom be revealed on earth. Let thy peace and thy grace be established in the consciousness of mankind.”

In your prayers, learn to walk right down the middle path, not wanting to establish human good and not wanting to get rid of human evil. Let your prayers be that the spiritual kingdom be established on earth as it is in heaven. If at this moment you do not know what the spiritual kingdom is, or if at this moment you do not have the nature of my peace, it matters not. You do know that it must be wonderful if it is ordained of God, therefore you can have faith and confidence in praying that Christ be established as the life and the Soul of man.

I must stress this point: If you allow your mind to wander into any vague hope that God is going to overcome the evils of this world, or that God is going to change the evils into good, you are just losing the value of the time you are giving to prayer. You must ignore both good and evil and set your goal on realizing the real nature of God’s kingdom; and with all your praying you must remember that within your own individual consciousness is sufficient God-power to establish that prayer on earth. The Master revealed: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Remember, one with God is a majority and your prayer is that “one.” Never doubt that one moment of consecrated prayer can establish peace on earth. It can. It requires only one, when this one is sufficiently unselfed and is not praying for my country, my side or my city, but is praying for My grace, My peace, My kingdom.

Previously Posted Excerpts