World Work in Joel’s Words – December 2019

Joel taught that rising in consciousness to realized Christhood is not ultimately for our own benefit, but the means to uplift the consciousness of mankind universally and dispel the ignorance of truth that is at the root of all human trouble.  He spoke often about how we as individuals can be an influence in bringing that freedom to the world. 

On the first of each month, we post an excerpt from Joel’s writings on this topic.  The following excerpt is  “Across the Desk” from the April 1956 Infinite Way Letter.  

There is no way to establish peace on earth except as Christ, Emmanuel, is consciously realized, and the responsibility is yours as much as mine.

You have come to The Infinite Way not only that your personal affairs come into harmony, but that by loving your neighbor as yourself you can help achieve spiritual freedom for all men. Since these monthly letters go only to those who specifically desire them, it is evident that you are all students who know sufficient truth to raise your world from death in sin, sickness, or lack, to the attainment of life, peace, joy, and abundance. And yet, you demonstrate this only in a small measure. Do you know why this is so? Do you understand why so many treatments and prayers achieve so little?

Primarily, it is because, in meditation, you consciously declare, state, or think the truth of God; you specifically know the nature of any form of error to be but suggestion, appearance, or temptation; you actually know that no form of discord has substance, power, or law—and then you forget to wait, in quietness and confidence, for that inner assurance and release which inspires you with confidence in God as the only Power, the only Law, the only, only, only Being!

As you take a specific problem—turn completely away from it—do not permit it to enter thought in any way. Declare or think truth about God, God’s law, His universe, presence, and power. Let thought about God unfold within you! Declare or think all you know of error, of sin, disease, death, lack: Declare or think that these are but forms of world belief—race consciousness, mesmeric material thought—the fabric of nothingness. Then wait—quietly, silently, peacefully, and expectantly. Listen for that inner Voice, click, or release. Be expectant of an inner Grace announcing Itself within you. Practice this several times each day and night. Take advantage of every opportunity. Practice it with every problem that is presented, whether your own or another’s.

I ask each Infinite Way student to devote at least one meditation period each day to conscious realization of the presence and activity of the Christ—Emmanuel, Tao, Brahm, call it what you will—permeating individual and collective consciousness throughout the world, breaking the mesmerism of material sense and revealing the kingdom of God on earth. If the message of The Infinite Way does not inspire with love for God and man, it fails in its purpose. If we seek our own good, separate and apart from seeking the good of our fellow-man, we fail. As we, individually, realize Christ, a friend, a neighbor, or someone afar off whom we do not even know is awakened to the realization of his own Christhood.

Dear Students, in your prayer work, please remember this: we are not seeking material growth, financial abundance, or numerical increase. Our mission is the realization of Christ—touching individual and collective consciousness, waking it from material sense, and revealing the kingdom of God, here and now! Through our realization of Christ, we are instruments through which this spiritual Impulse destroys mortal sense and reveals the man whose being is in Christ. This man is spiritually endowed, fed, clothed, prospered—and is eternally alive in God. …

Peace be with us all around the globe.