Joel’s Messages about World Work

Posted on November 11, 2017:

This excerpt is from “Across the Desk” in Chapter 10, “An Idea Whose Time Has Come” in Living Now.

The world work in which Infinite Way students engage is not fighting evil persons or evil conditions: it is withdrawing power from them, and the students becoming such clear transparencies that the Christ can flow through their consciousness and dissolve the pictures of sense.  Infinite Way students do not pray for peace or temporary good.  Their prayer for the world is the realization of the non-power of the carnal mind and the nature of God as individual consciousness.

Universal human consciousness is what constitutes the belief in two powers, and thereby creates the conditions of this world; but it is the individual’s recognition of the non-power of this universal carnal mind with its pictures that releases the Christ into human experience.  Every time that we have an experience that proves the non-power of anything to which the world gives power, we are not only lessening the universal belief, but we are making it possible for somebody, somewhere, to pick up what we have loosed into consciousness. …

The only reason we suffer from anything is because of a universal malpractice, arising out of the carnal mind, which is comprised of all the theories and beliefs of a mental or material nature.  All evil is the projection of the carnal mind, the belief in two powers.  The antidote is the recognition of non-power, and the degree of awareness of this non-power is the measure of our progress into spiritual consciousness.  Then we shall witness a change in individual consciousness, and future generations will be born into that higher state of consciousness. …

So, when we are doing our world work, let us hold to our two major principles that God constitutes individual consciousness, and that the carnal mind is not power but is the “arm of flesh” or nothingness.  Then we shall witness a change in individual consciousness, and future generations will be born into that higher state of consciousness.